My Fitness Boutique – WordPress Gym Website
Project Overview
Launching any kind of business during a recession or global pandemic can be risky. Add to that restrictions on people meeting indoors and social distancing. The My Fitness Boutique gym in North London was established some time ago but was finally relaunched in 2021 after lockdowns were lifted in England. DJA, with our design partners, Hughes Design, developed a mobile-ready WordPress website that sought to convey the movement of exercise classes with the use of video in its home page and various gym activities throughout the website. The website also pulls in live data from a booking system API meaning class information is always up to date.
Article Name
My Fitness Boutique - WordPress Gym Website
DJA, with our design partners, Hughes Design, developed a mobile-ready WordPress website that sought to convey the movement of exercise classes with the use of video in its home page and various gym activities throughout the website.
Dan Atrill
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DJA Online Services Limited
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